I chose Klein Hornig before understanding what affordable housing law really was. Discovering Klein Hornig is a mission driven firm changed my career path, for the better! Klein Hornig and its clients are dedicated to carrying out the mission to not only provide affordable housing to those who need it, but to also improve surrounding neighborhoods for all. It’s been my privilege to get to share in this work for nearly two decades.
Gina Donahue is the Senior Paralegal Manager at Klein Hornig and has been with the firm for over eighteen years. She started as the first paralegal hire for both Boston and DC offices and now manages a team of paralegals assisting associates and partners on all aspects of mixed-finance transactions including matters dealing with affordable housing, generally. She has extensive experience with nonprofit organizations including entity formation, corporate governance, contract and due diligence review, tax-exemption, and tax compliance. Gina also serves on the board of one of the firm’s clients, Power Forward, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate, empower and innovate solutions to solve the disease of addiction.
A lot of people don’t look at housing as a human right, but it is.
-Jimmy Carter