Working here at Klein Hornig is truly rewarding because everyone shares a deep commitment to the vital cause of affordable housing and aims to provide outstanding service. We understand that our work goes beyond just legal results; it profoundly impacts the lives of those we assist. Even though my role is not in the spotlight, I take pride in knowing that it plays a crucial part in the firm’s success.

Beverley Bostic is the Billing Coordinator at Klein Hornig and has been with the Firm for over eleven years. She works closely with the attorneys to prepare accurate and timely invoices, and assists clients with any billing related issues. She started at Klein Hornig as the Accounts Payable and Billing Clerk, responsible for the processing all invoices.

Prior to joining Klein Hornig, she worked at Lahive and Cockfield in Boston for eleven years as Accounts Payable and Billing Clerk, and later at Lathrope and Gage in the Boston office as Office Clerk.

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

– Martin Luther King Jr.


Michael Atienza

Accounting Manager
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Nadia Ayyad

Staff Accountant

Susy Natalia

Accounting Assistant

Beverley O’Reilly

Executive Director

  • University of Massachusetts, Boston, B.S., pending
  • Roxbury Community College, A.A., Business Administration with Accounting

In my spare time I enjoy visiting historic sites in Boston, and watching episodes of National Geographic, PBS, and light comedy.