- Emily Ameel
- Michael Atienza
- Nadia Ayyad
- Tsega Bekele
- Jennifer M. Bisgaier
- Emily J. Blumberg
- Beverley Bostic
- Ayana Burruss
- Milton H. Chamberlin
- Brenna Chaplain
- Gaia Cloutier
- Adam F. Cohen
- Jack Condon
- Holly B. Connor
- Alice Corvo
- Amanda M. Cote
- Leslee Crevoiserat
- Christopher Cummings
- Kimberly Curtis
- Jed H. D’Abravanel
- Barbara Darby
- Kathryn Galbraith Day
- Chris Dickson
- Gina Donahue
- Nick Draeger
- David Egan
- Daniel S. Ehrenberg
- Chaz L. Enerio
- Joshua P. Fairchild
- Daniel O. Fojas
- Justin Fuller
- Gabriel Gassmann
- Andrew L. Gilmore
- Tamia Haley
- Virginia L. Hannums
- Eric Herrmann
- Erik T. Hoffman
- Chris Hornig
- Hannah Hutchison
- Mark Iafrate
- Patrick Jenkins
- Daniel J. Kolodner
- Henry Korman
- Chhaya Kotwani
- Bethany Kozlosky
- Amelia Lawrence
- Tammy Layman
- Joseph S. Lieber
- M. Chrysa Long
- Peter Lubershane
- Billy Lyman
- Carole S. Marino
- Tanya Massey
- Wataru Matsuyasu
- Dimitri McDaniel
- Michaela McDowell
- Rebecca Ritvo Melaas
- Matthew Miller
- Beth Murphy
- Susy Natalia
- Stephen Niles
- Adam G. Norlander
- Beverley O’Reilly
- Aaron W. O’Toole
- Doruk Onvural
- Alana J. Paris
- Tejia Pavao
- Madelyn Peña
- Paula Pineo
- A. Ross Pini
- Imani Roberson
- Matthew T. Romines
- Daniel M. Rosen
- Teresa M. Santalucia
- Rita M. Schwantes
- Ronisha Severe
- Ewell G. Smith, CPA
- Dawna J. Steelman
- Mark R. Stokely
- John Sullivan
- Jacob S. Taylor
- Benjamin Townsend
- Scott F. Travers
- Claudia Wack
- Jessica Glynn Worthington
- Affordable Housing
- Community Development
- Cross-Cutting Regulatory Matters
- Housing Choice Voucher Program and Project-Based Vouchers
- Housing For Seniors and People with Special Needs
- Preservation and Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance
- Public Housing Redevelopment and Rental Assistance Demonstration
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Tax Credit Finance
Our Work
- A Place to Live
- Andrews Terrace
- Beacon Center
- Bienville Basin (Iberville – Tremé Choice Neighborhoods Initiative)
- Enterprise Solar Portfolio
- Farm Fresh Rhode Island
- Farrington Apartments
- Friendship Terrace
- Kindlewood
- Mirasol Village
- Nestor Senior Village
- Power Forward, Inc.
- St. Therese Complex
- The Pryde
- Voces de Esperanza
News + Events
- Klein Hornig Partnership Announcement
- Klein Hornig Hosts NMTC QALICB Training
- The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Outline 2024 Edition
- Welcome to the New
- KH Proudly Supports the DC Raising the Bar Campaign
- HUD Proposes to Amend Regulations on Criminal Justice and Reducing Barriers to Housing
- Klein Hornig NMTC QALICB Training Webinar
- HUD Publishes Updated NOFOs Addressing Eligibility and Funding Priorities Ahead of Final GRRP Application Deadlines
- HUD Publishes New Guidance for Mark-to-Market (“M2M”) Project Owners to Apply for Budget-Based Rent Adjustments
- HUD Issues Updated Implementation Guidance for Green and Resilient Retrofit Program
- Happy Holidays from Klein Hornig
- HUD Issues Supplemental Guidance to Update Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program
- 2023 Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits Rising Stars
- KH Honors 2023 Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits – Developments of Distinction Award Winners
- Rhode Island Legislature Approves Affordable Housing Investments, Reforms
- Klein Hornig Proudly Supports the DC Raising the Bar Campaign
- Massachusetts Housing Awards
- HUD Issues NOFOs, Implementation Guidance for Green and Resilient Retrofit Program
- HUD Publishes Proposed Implementation Schedule for the BABA “Buy America” Program
- Klein Hornig New Partner Announcement
- HUD Publishes Proposed AFFH Rule
- HUD Delays Effective Date on BABA’s “Buy America” Requirements
- Klein Hornig Proudly Supports the DC Raising the Bar Campaign
- Treasury Department Issues New Guidance for the Use of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Affordable Housing
- Teresa Santalucia Publishes Nonprofit Guide to Affordable Housing
- Treasury Department Issues Final Rule for Use of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
- Klein Hornig Announces New Partners
- What to Know When Serving on a Nonprofit Board
- Klein Hornig Proudly Supports the DC Raising the Bar Campaign
- HUD Prioritizes Fair Housing with New AFFH and Disparate Impact Rules
- Klein Hornig Hosts NMTC QALICB Training
- Recently Improved Tools for Public Housing Repositioning
- HUD Issues NOFA for $150 Million Under Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program
- Thank You For Working With Us in 2020!
- HUD Publishes Final Section 3 Rule to Direct Employment and Other Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons
- Klein Hornig Closes First RAD-for-PRAC Conversion in the Country
- HUD COVID-19 Updates and FAQs Part Two
- Teresa Santalucia Hosts Advocacy and Lobbying During an Election Year Webinar
- HUD COVID-19 Updates and FAQs
- Klein Hornig Status Update
- HUD Publishes Updated Administrative Guidelines for Project-Based Voucher Subsidy Layering Reviews
- 2019 Klein Hornig Family Retreat
- HUD Unveils RAD-for-PRAC & Updates RAD Implementation Notice
- New HUD Notice Announces Funding for Tenant Protection Vouchers for “At-Risk Households” in “Low Vacancy Areas”
- HUD Takes New Step to Facilitate Transfers of Section 8 PBRA between Projects